Thursday, 6 June 2013

First ever blog

So I guess this is where it all starts. I'm not a very good writer as you can probably already tell so I really don't know how well this is going to go. I'm Amber, I am 17 years old and I attend 6th form.
However, I have reached that time in your life where you start to look at the decisions you have made and start to evaluate them. Whether they were right or wrong, what if you had done this and what if this had happened instead. As all this was going through my head I came to realise that I may not be where I want to be. I'm not really doing amazingly well in my AS's, in fact I’m not doing very well at all and all I can keep thinking is was 6th form the right decision for me? I've always wanted to go to uni, not just for the qualifications, but also for the experience, however when faced with the fact that the A levels needed to get there may not be a choice for me next year due to low grades could really put a spanner in the works.
I can get quite angry and upset over the fact that I’m 18 in just a few months and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. To many 18 seems like a very young age, but they still make you choose all these decisions which in 10 years time you may regret making. Yet I'm still meant to know what i want to do with the rest of my life which is a tough decision to make. Do I fight to stay in 6th form? Do I go out and find myself a full time job? Do i start an apprentiship instead? So many possibilities and so many paths to choose.

Me and my cousin as lil babys

At this age thoughts of the future are when you think your next meal is not what you will do for the rest of your life!
So here I now am, 17, in a part time job with little hope that any of my exam results are going to come back as anything more than E's.
And with that very depressing ending, I think I'll leave it there and close my first ever blog.