Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Hydraluron: Moisture Booster Review

It is that time of year again where the weather is getting colder and we are all having to rake our coats and hats out from the back of our cupboards. Cold weather and chilly winds can leave your skin feeling very dry and maybe looking a little dull. A moisturizer, especially for your face where all that wind is going to be hitting, is essential to make sure your skin is at its best.

I discovered a new product through Zoella's YouTube channel called Hydraluron. However, I decided against buying it due to its price. A few weeks ago now I was in boots, having a nose around in the makeup section looking for some new colours of lipstick for the colder weather when i spotted that the Hydraluron range was on offer. I immediately picked the Moisture Booster one up and put it in my basket.

When using Hydraluron, you do not stop using your moisturizer. Hydraluron is a serum used straight onto the face to be used underneath your usual moisturizer, however do not be fooled, a little of this goes a very long way! It helps your skin to increase the amount of moisture it can retain and in time you will need to use a lot less moisturizers. The increases in moisture levels in the skin because of this product have also shown a decrease in roughness of the skin and elasticity in the skin as well. This, although not stated on the actual product, may actually help the aging process as when your skin starts to sag and develop wrinkles, it is because of a loss of elasticity in the skin. Keeping the skin tight may help the aging process.

The box does actually have a bit where you can sort of open it up and it is full of information. This product has actually been clinically tested and has also had an in-vitro study which is a study carried out on real people using the product and testing what it does to the skin.

Overall, I think that this product is a great aid to your moisturizer. At first I did not really notice a difference in my skin and I was really disappointed but after a couple of uses, I started to notice that a lot of the usual dry patches on my face were either not as dry or not there at all. I have always had problems with my skin, especially in the T zone. It’s quite dry and flaky, but at the same time it is oily and sometimes spotty. I really am loving the effect it is having on my skin and the dryness of it.

Thank you for reading this blog post. 

Sunday, 27 October 2013

10 Facts About Me

I thought that after my first blog post that wasn't really about anything and just gave you a little introduction into my life, that I would do a 10 facts about me blog post to give you a little bit more information into who I am.

Fact Number 1: I love makeup, I am obsessed with it and have quite a bit of it. 
Fact Number 2: My favourite make up brand is MAC. However I do love NARS and Urban Decay as well.
Fact Number 3: I really hate spiders. I don't know what it is about them I am just really scared of them. Also daddy long legs as they are just like spiders but they fly which is even worse!
Fact Number 4: I honestly have a phobia of needles. The last time that i had to have a blood test, I almost fainted on the way out of the doctors.
Fact Number 5: I think that my favourite food has to be chocolate cake. I never used to like things like chocolate cake that much until I became best of friends with a lovely girl called Funto. However, she has got me into a very bad love for chocolate cake. 
Fact Number 6: I love baths. I could spend all day in a bath if i could.
Fact Number 7: To go with fact number 6, I am obsessed with a brand called Lush. They make the best bath/shower/beauty products ever. When having one of my very long baths, Lush products are essential for this.
Fact Number 8: I attend college and I am doing a two year course in Health and Social care. I am really enjoying it so far.
Fact Number 9: My favourite alcoholic drink has to be a frozen strawberry daiquiri. They are so delicious. 
Finally Fact Number 10: I am obsessed with YouTube. I love watching videos on there and I could sit there all day doing so. My favourite channels are Zoella's channel and SprinkleofGlitter.

Thank you for reading my blog post. I hope to get my blogs out a lot quicker than this one came out after my first one as I have a couple more written up and I also have more ideas for other blog posts. :D