Friday, 13 December 2013


So Tuesday the 26th of November I moved house. I was so exited to move due to getting a bigger room and having a new blank canvas to decorate and design however I choose. It was not until I started packing all my stuff that i realized that; 1 I have a huge amount of stuff and 2 it is extremely hard to pack and to know what to pack first. 
I set my room into categories; clothes, make up, jewelry, under the bed stuff, hair stuff, cupboard stuff and even things like socks were all categorized so that once my boxes were packed I didn't have half my socks in one box and the other half in another. Also we needed to solve the problem of urgent things, how am I going to be tell exactly where my important things are if I have 25 boxes that all look the same?
Me and my mum came up with the idea to use pink labels on all the boxes that were urgent and that needed to be opened quickly.

This made sure that we knew exactly what boxes were important. We also decided that we should not only just label the boxes the rooms they were going in, but also label them with fragile or heavy if they were either and also a description of what exactly is in the box.

The labels give you an exact description of who the box belongs and where it is going and also what is in it so that when you are searching for that dress you really want to wear on Saturday, you will know exactly where to find it.

When I imagined moving house, I pictured this really stressful, worrying and boring task that would take up a lot of my time I could be using to do other things and making me to stressed out to even think about doing anything else. However I only guessed that it was going to take me a long time right. The packing of all my things and also throwing stuff out as I went along was actually quite fun. Even writing out the labels and taping the box together was quite interesting. 

So next time you or a friend or family member is moving, why don't you offer to help, you may have more fun than you think ;)

Thank you for reading this blog post.