Saturday, 26 April 2014

Youtube & Funti Wunti

A couple of weeks ago, one of my best friends Funto asked me to film a video with her for her youtube channel. At first I really did not want to. Writing a blog and actually filming a video are two completely different things and I did not feel comfortable with doing this. However with Funto being the person she is, she persuaded me to come onto her channel and film a video with her. It did not involve me talking which I think is one of the main reasons why I said yes.

Funto is often getting me to do her make up, usually when we go out clubbing or something. This time it was just for a date with the girls to Nandos but as she wanted to film this video it was the perfect opportunity.

Funto is reasonably new to Youtube but has some amazing videos up! Lots of them are to do with fashion and hauls as she shops way more than me!

If you would like to check out the video this is the link:

And for more videos from Funto check out her channel:

Thanks for reading my blog post and I hope you check out the video! 

Monday, 14 April 2014

Chocolate Easter Nests

As it is nearing Easter it is only appropriate to do some Easter cooking. I have two 4 year old siblings, a brother and a sister and they are twins. As it is the Easter holidays and they are off school  I thought it would be nice to make chocolate nests with them.

We used 600g of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, 200g of Bournville and 12 Shredded Wheat. 

We then crushed up the Shredded Wheat up in a bowl and broke up the chocolate.

After that we then melted the chocolate in a bowl over boiling water in a pan. If you do it this way and not in the microwave it is a lot less likely to burn.

The chocolate was then poured in and mixed into the Shredded Wheat.

After this the twins then spooned the mixture into the cases and put the mini eggs on top. The next pictures are of them doing this and then the final product.

As you can see above, the nests turned out great in my opinion and the twins loved eating them. I think theses nests are nice to make at Easter and they are really simple and easy to make with little ones too!

Thanks for reading this blog! <3

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


So a lot of bloggers and Youtubers have been doing the TMI tag and I thought that I would join in :D However there are a lot of questions so this might be a long read.
Here it goes:

Question 1: What are you wearing?
I am wearing dark Topshop Joni jeans, a New Look black vest type top with small white squares on it. Also I have on a blue New Look jacket just to keep me warm as its a bit cold and rainy today.

Question 2: Ever been in love?
I think I probably thought I was at the time, but no I do not think I have.

Question 3: Ever had a terrible break up?
No, I do not think that I have.

Question 4: How tall are you?
I am 5 foot 5 which is not very big at all.

Question 5: How much do you weigh?
No lady should ever reveal her weight ;)

Question 6: Any tattoos?
No! I am terrified of needles!

Question 7: Any piercings?
Yes, despite the fear of needles, I have my ear lobes pierced twice and my helix in my ear done too.

Question 8: OTP?
I do not think I really have one.

Question 9: Favourite show?
I think my favorite show has to be Breaking Bad.

Question 10: Favourite band?
I hardly listen to bands so I could not say I have a favorite band.

Question 11: Something you miss?
I think I actually miss secondary school. Secondary school seemed so lame at the time but now I honestly do wish I was back.

Question 12: Favourite song?
At the moment my favorite song has to be Beyonce- drunken love.

Question 13: How old are you?
I am 18 years old

Question 14: Zodiac sign?
It depends what I look at to what zodiac sign I actually am. Most of them say I am a Scorpio but some say different.

Question 15: Quality you look for in a partner?
I think that they have to have the same sort of sense of humor that I do and they also have to be kind and caring.

Question 16: Favourite quote?
I do not think that I have one.

Question 17: Favourite actor?
Again I do not think I have one.

Question 18: Favourite colour?
I think that I may have a slight obsession with the colour purple.

Question 19: Loud music or soft?
It depends what type of music it is and what occasion it is.

Question 20: Where do you go when your sad?
I usually go to my bed, its comfy, its warm and its my own place so yeah that's where I go.

Question 21: How long does it take you to shower?
It depends on whether I want to be quick or not, a shower can take me 10-15 minutes to wash, shave my legs and wash my hair, however if I am not rushing and I am enjoying my shower I could be in there for 30-45 minutes!

Question 22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
This also depends on what I am doing. I like to wash my hair of a night time so that it can air dry overnight. This means that I do not usually shower in the mornings. On a normal morning i can take between 25 minutes to an hour to get ready depending on what I do to my hair and my make up. If I need to shower in the morning as well I could take up to an hour and a half.

Question 23: Ever been in a physical fight?
No! Never! I have been a witness to many but I have never been involved.

Question 24: Turn on?
Honesty is a big turn on. If you can't be honest, how can you trust someone?

Question 25: Turn off?
Arrogance and being big headed.

Question 26: The reason I joined Youtube?
I do not actually make Youtube videos but I do have a Youtube account. However I only made it to subscribe to other channels for easy access to new videos from my favourite Youtubers.

Question 27: Fears?
I am definitely afraid of spiders and needles!

Question 28: Last thing that made you cry?
Yesterday I went to the cinema with one of my friends to watch Divergent and I cried about 4 times.

Question 29: Last time you said you loved someone?
Last night, to my mum.

Question 30: Meaning behind your Youtube name?
It is a name I had as the beginning of my very first email. My dad set it up for me and as he passed when I was only 11, a lot of my names are associated with this. Of course the email is no longer active but the name has stuck with me.

Question 31: Last book you read?
I have not read a book other than school books for years so I couldn't tell you the last book I read, however I would like to start reading again as I used to really love it.

Question 32: The book your currently reading?
As I said above, I haven't read in a while.

Question 33: Last show you watched?
Breaking bad with my mum!

Question 34: Last person you talked to?
My mum about an hour ago.

Question 35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
One of my bestfriends named Funto. She is so cute and amazing and she has a Youtube channel and makes some really good videos so here is her link if you want to check her out:

Question 36: Favourite food?
Ice cream and cake. I think most people love these!!

Question 37: Place you want to visit?
I would really love to visit either America or Australia.

Question 38: Last place you were?
I haven't been out of town for a really long time, I think the last place I was, was the next town along.

Question 39: Do you have a crush?
No I do not think I do right now.

Question 40:(Nearly there) Last time you kissed someone?
Earlier this evening when my twin baby brother and sister went to bed.

Question 41: Last time you were insulted?
I cannot remember the last time I was insulted.

Question 42: Favourite flavour of sweets?
I do not really eat many sweets, but if I was to have sweets it would probably be something fruity or tangy.

Question 43: What instruments do you play?
When I was in primary school I learnt how to play the recorder but now I do not play anything.

Question 44: Favourite piece of jewellery?
I do not have a specific piece of jewellery that I really like, but i do love wearing earings.

Question 45: Last sport you played?
I haven't played sports since school so something like football or netball or tennis or something like that.

Question 46: Last song you sang?
Na Na - Trey Songz

Question 47: Favourite chat up line?
I do not have one so I could not have a favourite.

Question 48: Have you ever used it?
No as I do not have one.

Question 49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Last night with a friend from school at the cinema and me and her went to see Divergent.

Question 50: (LAST ONE!) Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who wants to answer them!

I know that this was a really long blog but if anyone is reading this sentence, thank you for reading this blog and I hope you found out a little bit more about me!