Monday, 27 April 2015

Eyeliner: Tips and Product Choices

I'm When it comes to eyeliner, I have never been able to get it quite right, especially winged liner. Growing up I tried kohl pencil, liquid liner, felt tip liner, but all turned out disastrous and the pictures of me growing up through that stage should be hidden forever! 

For the last year or so, I have been using a gel liner. I never thought that I would trust myself to use a brush to apply my liner, but it is actually the easiest method I have tried. 

I use Maybelline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner. They have a few different colours, I usually use 08 Black Gold. This is black with flecks of gold glitter in, but you can hardly see these. I do have the normal Black and a Brown too, but Black Gold is my favourite, especially for winged liner.

When applying Gel liner, I find that it is so much easier to start from the inner corner where you want the liner to start, and then work your way to the outer corner. If you are doing a wing, there is no right way to do it and you should be aware that no matter how hard you try, your winged liner will never be completely identical each side. When doing a wing I start from the base and draw up, then go from the tip downwards to join the liner and then fill in the gap in the middle. Every day they are different, but I like the winged liner look! In fact, usually if I am doing eyeliner it will be winged. 

Here are a couple of pictures so you can get a look at what it looks like :) 

Thank you for reading this blog post <3