Monday, 11 November 2013

Autumn/Winter Essentials

Autumn/Winter Essentials

Due to the cold weather and the season change, I tend to use different things to keep my skin hydrated, to keep me warm and to make my overall appearance look a little more suitable for the colder weather. I thought that I should write down and put in a blog post for whoever would like to read the things I think are essential for autumn and winter. However, when coming up with my list, I came up with quite a few products/things that I believe to be essential so I have categorised them into 6 categories.

No.1. Skin!

The harsh winter winds which we are getting used to far too quickly this year, bearing in mind it’s still autumn, can have quite an effect on the skin. To make sure that your skin stays as healthy looking as possible it needs to be full of moisture and the cold weather can make the skin quite dry.
An essential product I believe is moisturiser. It doesn’t have to be any particular moisturiser however I use Lush’s Vanishing Cream. It smells like lavender which I do not particularly like but it is a very good moisturiser.

Under my moisturiser I have also been using Hydraluron’s moisture booster. It’s really making a difference and really helping my moisturiser to do its job. My last blog was a review on this product so if you want to find out more about what it does then go check that out.

Face masks are also a good idea to give your skin a little pick me up. Anything that says it will moisturise your skin or leave it with a glow is great in the winter time.

Hand cream and body butter are also great products to keep your skin full of hydration and to make sure that the skin does not start to dry and become flaky. I recommend the Body Shops body butters because they are all very hydrating to the skin and all smell amazing. I also recommend having a hand cream that you can carry around in your handbag with you to apply on the go!

No.2. Lips and Nails!

In the autumn and especially in the winter, a lip balm is essential in keeping your lips nice and moisturised. I personally prefer something plain and simple like Vaseline. However, babylips by Maybelline are also a good idea to carry around in your bag.

Autumn colours really affect the way that people do their makeup. In the winter I like to wear berry and darker shades of lipstick and nail varnish. I just think that it gives that autumn/winter effect. My favourite at the moment is Mac’s Cyber. It’s a very dark purple but gives an amazing edge to your makeup.

No.3. Blush and Bronzer!

This time of the year, the cold weather would naturally turn your cheeks pink and I think this is also exactly how you should go with your makeup. Lots of pink coloured blusher to keep the natural yet still pretty look. I recommend Nars’ Orgasm as it is just that pinky colour you’re looking for and has a bit of shimmer in too which eliminates the need to use highlighter.

I still think that even though the sun has gone away for the next couple of months, you should still use bronzer. Bronzer gives your skin a warm glow and bronzer is a perfect product to finish the glowing look off. You could also just use your usual contour colour to give structure to the face instead if you are using a shimmery blush. My favourite is harmony by MAC.

No.4. Candles!

There a certain smells that I really think relate to this time of year. Scents like spiced apple and cinnamon are just two that I can mention. When the colder months hit, its nice to change your candles from all the sweet and vanilla scents from summer and change them into spicy and berry scents.

No.5. Hot drinks and comfy PJs!

I love to be snuggled up in bed watching a film with a hot chocolate and fluffy pyjama bottoms on. Everyone should have a favourite hot drink for the cold months and mine is definitely hot chocolate. If you are also a hot chocolate lover then I recommend Costa’s Black forest hot chocolate. It’s the perfect mixture between chocolate and cherry, MMMMmmm! As for PJs, the fluffier the bottoms are the better. They must be super cosy and super warm! I usually get a couple of pairs from Primark because they are very nice but they are also cheap. When I’m at Primark I also pick up fluffy and sometimes Christmas themed socks because these are a must have in winter, either for bed or for wearing under boots.

No.6. Fashion!

Everyone in the winter definitely needs a winter coat, this is a must have and could be used as a final piece to any outfit. Also nice warm hats and scarves, bobble woolly hats being a bit of an obsession for me at the moment.

Another essential fashion piece is boots. I think ankle boots work the best as they can be worn with jeans or even a nice thick pair of tights with a skirt or dress. As the weather in autumn and winter are quite wet, I recommend leather or leather look boots so they protect your feet from the rain and also do not ruin!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope that this helped you in some way form your essentials for autumn and winter.

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