Friday, 12 September 2014

Confidence and Self Image

I have never been the most confident or outgoing person. From a very young age I have been shy and self conscious. At the age of 16 I got myself my first job. It was not a great job and I ended up quitting for a better one three weeks later, but for me that was an achievement. The better job is in fact still my job now. I am a door host in a restaurant. This fits in nicely with me being in education because it only requires me to work weekends and holidays which means that I can still do and have nice things but be benefiting from education at the same time.

My job includes me having to talk to people as soon as they come through the door. This at first was quite daunting for me as I was such a shy person but if I wanted to be good at my job I needed to get past this. I truly believe that if I had not had got this job, I would have no where near the amount of confidence I have today. I am still very shy about a lot of things and am by no means anywhere near as confident as I wish I could be, but this makes me who I am.

Your self image is an important part of who you are and you should create that yourself. Never let anyone else define that for you because they do not know who you truly are. 

Confidence is important in life, not just for academic or professional reasons but also for personal reasons. You need confidence to have a positive self image and without a positive self image you may find yourself doubting you abilities to do great things. For example, this blog is something that is important to me. I love writing blogs whether people read them or not because it is actually fun  however, I had only told a few friends about it because I felt to embarrassed to let someone I knew read it. Me and my friend Funto who has a YouTube channel decided a couple of months back to put links to our profiles in our twitter bio and then on our instagrams. A couple of weeks ago, we decided we were actually going to post our links onto our personal facebook's as a status and on our twitters as a tweet. I was quiet anxious about doing it because I generally care about my friends and family's opinions but I have had a really positive response and now I wish I had just built up the confidence to post them sooner!

This might not be a very interesting blog post to some, but I just wanted to stress the importance of confidence, self image and self belief, not just to anyone reading, but also to myself. In the future I can read this back and remind myself to believe in myself and be confident. Especially as I was so anxious to actually post this post because of the subject of it!

Thank you for reading this post, and believe in yourself<3

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